Letter from Roy Bruce to Helen Bruce

Headquarters. Egyptian Frontiers Districts Administration Cairo . 17. 7. 1919.

My dearest Maud :

I suppose I have been
going through one of the most wretched
times of my whole existance during the
past few weeks. The whole thing is
a long story and I am so tired of it
all that I feel that I cannot sit
down and write it all out.

To put the whole thing in a
nutshell -

1. The New Zealand Military Authorities
are narrow minded & mean.

2. The English Military Authorities have
helped me in every possible way.

3. I have taken my discharge from
the N.Z. New Zealand Forces in Egypt .

4. I have obtained a post until Dec December
1920 as O.C. Officer Commanding of a district on the
Egyptian Frontiers Administration.

5. With regard to my Imperial commission
the War Office reply that it is in
abeyance for the present, but I am
to be retained in Egypt if possible

6. With regard to above, and also
the fact that I was holding a staff
apppointment, and that the C in C Commander in Chief
himself as well as the war office
asked that I might remain here,
N.Z. New Zealand said NO. Major Bruce must
return to N.Z. New Zealand at once -.

7. I was packed up read to go to

Suez for embarkation at 7. a.m on
the morning of the 23 r . July , when
at 7 pm. on the previous evening I
was offered this post on the F.D.A. Frontiers Districts Administration
which is a military organisation,
and does not in any way interfere
with my Imperial commission when
it comes.

8. If I had gone to N.Z. New Zealand I would
have severed my connection here
where I am getting known & would
have had to start all over again.

9. As it is thanks to N.Z. New Zealand I have
had to give up my staff job, but
at least I remain in the country
where apparently the powers that
be (excluding N.Z. New Zealand ) do not think

I am an utter fool.

10. Regarding the future, I do not
propose to bring you out here until
after the War Office have definitely
said what they propose doing
with me.

11. Your allowance will continue
as usual but not through N.Z New Zealand
Govt Government . The money will be sent
from here every month to your
credit with the Bank of N.Z New Zealand
Dunedin .

12. I shall probably be going to
live at El Arish in a few days,
when I take over my district -
in the meantime I am learning
Arabic as hard as I can

I think really I am lucky, of
course I have made some powerful
friends here and they have been
extraordinarily good to me; also
the Peace Celebrations brought me
well into the limelight of Cairo ,
and as they were a big success
and I was publicly thanked for
what I had done (which was
little enough) in the English, French
and Greek press, I think it all
helped. N.Z. New Zealand only dug their toes
in, and refused anything. A
certain amount of envy I think,
added to the influence (with them)
of one or two enemies I made in
the force. However I am clear of them now, and I hope with
all my heart it will never be
my misfortune to set foot in
New Zealand again.

I don't think there is much
more to tell you, I am very well,
but would like a holiday but cannot
afford it. Everything is very expensive
here, and Englishmen have to live in
the East in a certain way.

I feel almost inclined to tell
you to go on with your future readings,
we shall want all the money we
can get, and passage from NZ New Zealand
to here are hopelessly expensive at
the moment.

Helen is going to be a difficulty
have you any suggestions - I think

she ought to go to school in
England . Talk it over with
your mother and see what she
thinks about it.

I suggest you sell the
house and furniture, but don't
throw it away and don't spend
the money. Sit tight - out life
is not in N.Z. New Zealand and you will
have a position that counts to keep

There, I have done what I
can, and I think I am out of the
ruck at last if only my health holds.
I do want a holiday & rest badly
but don't see much chance of it.

Five years of a strenuous war without
a break is a good deal, and I am
not so young as I was, and I
have had an awful lot of learning
to pick up.

Well my dear, fare you
well for the present, take care
of yourself and Helen , I am
sorry I shan't be back perhaps
as you expected, but I know
I have taken the best course.

Lots of love to you both