About UC Digital Scholarly Editions

UC Digital Scholarly Editions is produced by the Digital Humanities Programme at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.

Images and text on this website

Please note that material on the University of Canterbury (UC) web pages may not be copied, distributed, or used for commercial purposes without the prior, express written permission of UC. All requests for copying and reproduction must be made by email.

How to cite items on this website

The Roy Bruce letters are housed at the Macmillan Brown Library, University of Canterbury. The accession number of the collection is 2415 and on this website each letter is identified by an item number and a title. To cite a letter, please use the following format in full:

MB 2415, Major Roy Bruce letters, item 135596, Letter from Roy Bruce to Maud Bruce, 22 October 1913, Macmillan Brown Library, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand

About the transcription

The texts on this site have been marked up using P5 TEI XML, a specification maintained by the Text Encoding Initiative.

You may occasionally notice differences between the original material and the way the information appears on this website. This is typically due to errors made during the transcription process, and we are grateful to members of the public for drawing our attention to these errors. Where the original material itself features errors such as spelling mistakes, in the interests of scholarly fidelity these features are typically transcribed and attributed to the author or agent responsible.


We extend our sincere thanks to Bruce Alexander, grandson of Roy Bruce, who has made this project possible by donating a wonderful collection of family letters and photographs to the Macmillan Brown Library. We would also like to specially thank meBooks for producing this website, the Macmillan Brown Library for providing assistance with research and digitisation, and Han Li for assistance with the site design.

The scanning, transcription and TEI markup of letters in the Roy Bruce collection was undertaken by students of ENGL317/419 in 2010 and 2011. We thank them for showing great enthusiasm and dedication during their work on this challenging project. In no particular order they are: Sophie Tucker, Lucy-Jane Walsh, Bjorn Gruebner, Kathy Kise, Keely McBride, Sian Evans, Al Gardner, Donelle McKinley. We also acknowledge the contribution of staff in the UC Digital Humanities programme, especially Lucy-Jane Walsh, Jennifer Middendorf, Han Li, Paul Millar and Christopher Thomson.


We welcome your comments and suggestions about this website. You can contact us via email.