Your letter of 26
May has
arrived, praise the pigs. You will see they take
some time to get here these days.
I am anxious to get your next
which will probably give the result of your exam. Am
sorry you were disappointed with the paper, but you
will find that an exam paper never does ask the
questions one really knows the answer to, and then
one always feels
personal affront.
Glad to hear you are enjoying
your holiday, probably by the time you get this you
will be having another.
You have not yet enclosed any
Glad you liked my photographs, I
I am told it is a very good likeness. Probably I was
stouter then, at that time I was living on the fat of
the land at G.H.Q., in any case I have filled out a
lot the last four years.
Very sorry indeed to hear about
Had a very nice letter from
Very pleased to hear
no doubt he deserved it. I understand that
D.S.O. was the occasion for much ribald laughter, but
as I was not there I cannot judge. So far as
I am concerned you need not expect to see my
name figuring in those lists. I have expressed
opinions about the promiscuous distribution of these
things more than once. I know of a case of a man
who has lived in one of the best hotels in
since 1914. He is employed as
M.L.O. i.e. Military
landing officer. He superintended the arrival of ships
with troops. He was a subaltern in a cavalry regt
sent there because considered unsuitable for the field.
He is now a captain and wears the M.C. and Croix de
guerre, another man was awarded the Italian silver
medal for bravery - he sat in an office and deciphered
telegrams. - I see the O.B.E. is now awarded in
Glad to hear
was always good stuff in him. Suppose he is Staff
Captain with one of the N.Z. Brigades. - It should
suit him being on the 'Q' side.
Sorry to hear you think I am not
treating you fairly. I suppose you realise that
until I am able to refund the money you had
for me to return to
get leave. Money doesn't grow on bushes here anymore
than it does elsewhere. If this war hasn't taught
you that your needs must be suited to your income
I don't suppose anything will. I hate writing
to you like this, especially as from this end one
never knows what is going to happen from day to day,
I don't know how you are going to straighten out
your tangle. I don't propose to pay
obvious I cannot return until he is paid. You
seem to be beginning to think I am out here for
I have many worries of my own, but
because I don't put them on paper it doesn't follow
they don't exist. This is not at all an easy life here,
and I want every bit of brain and energy I possess to
keep going - afterwards I want some rest and a
little peace, but I cannot see much likelihood of it
like most of your sex and see things only from one
view point viz your own, also you are somewhat
selfish. I used not to think this last. There
I am not going to say any more now, I want you
to think things over quietly. I am sure you will
Here's a story:
An officer
had an operation on his hip. When
he recovered consciousness he asked the V.A.D. whether
it was a girl or a boy!
She fled.
This is true.
Have not been very fit lately, got sandfly
fever again, temperature 104, went to bed for 3 days,
they talked of hospital but I flatly refused to go and
am better now. Also I scratched my ankle & it
went septic, and I can't get a boot on and most
things are flat stale and unprofitable. Luckily
things are quiet just now and Abdul is not
We had a fortnight out of the line
last month, first time for 6 months, it was
almost like a holiday, although we were busy
adapting Indian Battalions to new conditions.
Sorry you think my letters are so
matter of fact, am afraid this is not a very
This may amuse you. A Jewish Battalion
has been raised out here and they have adopted
for their motto "For (e) skin and country" also
"No advance without security", but I like the
former best don't you?
The French news is good, but it is only
a phase in the war. The war will eventually
be won in the air, when we can control the air
entirely then will we see everything they do &
they will see nothing we do, then we win -
Think that out.
No more now, I hear there is a
cake for tea & it is tea time.