Letter from Roy Bruce to Maud Bruce

Palestine 5.1.1918

My dearest Helen :

Thank you
very much for your two
letters dated 14 th and 28 th
. I was very glad
to get them, and they
reached me just at New
Year time.

I am very glad
to hear that you like school,

and also that you are
getting on well with your
French. I hope you will
continue to make good
progress as you will find
that language very useful
to you some day.

Robin is with me here
at Headquarters, and has
a lovely coat and is very
fat. He does not get so
much to do now as he did

when he was with the
Squadron. I have
another horse called "Wully"
a chestnut. I am going to
take him out tomorrow, and
I will tell you what he is

Tell me where you
write, what kind of games
you play at school, and
about your lessons? Do you
take Latin? or is that a
pleasure to come?

Did you go to Rollesby
for Christmas? and did you

have a very happy time -
I hope you did.

Here, it was so wet, it
was difficult to light a fire,
so we postponed our Christmas
dinner till New Year's eve.

Good bye little girl, take
care of yourself and Mummy ,
be cheerful and happy, and
always be ready to laugh
at your little troubles.

With fondest love & kisses

XX. Here are two big fat ones.