Letter from Roy Bruce to Maud Bruce

G.H.Q. General Headquarters 21. 12. 1917.

My dearest girl :

I am still living in hopes
of getting a letter from you some day, the
last I had was dated somewhere about the
middle of August, more than four months
ago. However no news must be considered
good news, as I feel sure that if anything
was wrong I should have heard it.

The weather has been very unpleasant
lately, rainy and cold, with lots of mud
everywhere. A big contrast from the blazing
sun, sand and hopeless dust of the Sinai
of last year.

Got the first cold I have had
for over two years some days ago, it was
quite like old times.

Have not yet been to Jerusalem , the
weather and much work has not allowed of
it, but I hope to get there before very long.

Do you know I am getting terribly
fat, I suppose it is lack of exercise after the
last strenuous 3 years. I am figuratively

going to seed. The lower button of my
jacket burst just now, and in stooping
to pick it up the one above nearly went

Robin is in great form, he has never
had such a good home before, where he can
get as much as he likes to eat and drink.
My groom took him out for exercise a few
days ago, and had to get off to take
breath. He has no vice, just loves life
and hates camels. (Small blame to him)

I have no more news that I can
put on paper, but I should dearly love
to have a long yarn, Lord how our
tongues will way. Wish I had
enough sense to keep a diary.

Good bye for the time being old girl,
take care of your two selves, and be just
as happy as you can possibly be, and all
will be well one of these days.

All my love and many humbugs
to both dear things.
