Letter from Roy Bruce to Maud Bruce

Palestine 30.10.17.

My dearest Maud :

I haven't the faintest
notion what I am going to write about,
for there is nothing in the world to
tell you. That of course is not true,
but all that I could tell you can't
be told in a letter.

Long 'ere you get
this letter you will probably have
had lots of news about us.

I want to impress
upon you that as long as I am
here you must not worry about me
at all. The chances of my getting
knocked out again are small, of
course I am not always safe, but
everything is greatly minimised.

Am afraid there
is practically no chance now of
my getting back to N.Z. New Zealand , and I
am seriously thinking of asking for
leave to England . I hope you

won't think I am very selfish,
and if it was possible to get you
there you know I would do so. We
must just make the best of it, and
pray for better times to come, although
I must confess I cannot see the early
termination of this war.

Of course one cannot tell with
any degree of certitude what will happen
from one day to another, and I suppose
in one way is is very unfortunate we
live in these times, but there can be
no regrets whatever the future may

I hope you will all have the
happiest of Christmases, I am going
to try & get a few days leave to Cairo ,
and have a spree.

There was a big thunderstorm
the other night & we nearly got washed
out to sea. There was a foot of water
in my dugout, quite exciting.

Goodnight dearest of girls, be
happy, and give Helen many kisses
and an extra hug for Christmas.
