Letter from Roy Bruce to Maud Bruce

E.E.F. Egyptian Expeditionary Force 27. 9. 17.

My dearest girl :

Wonders will never cease, three
letters from you all at once, after a very long
interval. I am going to try and answer
them in sequence.

First of all you ask about the
Staff Course: Nicholls & I were the only two
Colon New Zealanders who took it, there were
also two Australians, making it all four from
the Colonial Forces in Eqypt . There were only
3 Courses. Nicholls went to one, because he
came out here to be Brigade Major, and had
had no experienee of Staff work in the field.
I went, goodness only knows why, to another
and have landed here. I sent you several
letters from there but like many others I suppose
it never reached you. It was very hard work
while it lasted, and expensive, but I think
the result has justified it. I am the only
New Zealander in Egypt serving on the Staff of
a corps composed entirely of English & Scotch
Regiments and some Indians.

I think you are inclined to
make rather too much of any little thing I

have done here. There is no credit due. It
happens to be the work I like, and there is
always a joy in that. And there is
plenty of time to come a cropper yet, so
don't put your nose too high in the air
when you walk about.

Was glad to hear that Frank is fit
for work again.

By the way do you ever send any
papers now, I never get one by any chance.

Don't trouble to send any more note-
paper in your letters, there is any amount
to be had here, and probably much cheaper
than there.

I am very glad indeed to hear that
Helen is so well and strong, and that she is
getting on at the Convent . I hope she likes
French. How are you getting on with your
French, I had no idea you were taking
lessons until some casual remark in a
letter informed me of the fact. You ought
to write to me sometimes in that language,
try it, my grammar is weak you know.

Is Trixie the same pony that was
wild for so long. Helen is not scared is she?

Say, old thing you must weigh
about the same as I do now, what about


You are a funny creature sometimes,
your feeling when you mixed up the words
Staff Course & Staff apppointment was correct, &
of course I got your letter here the other day.
I am afraid I lack many of the qualities
that go to the making of a good staff officer (you
musn't judge by the New Zealand Staff Corps) &
staff jobs are precarious birds at any time,
anyway I put on lots of "swank".

Hinson is I believe doing quite well,
I think he is second in command of the 8 th
but as I have not seen anything of my
old family for some time, am not quite
sure. They are some miles from here,
but I propose going over to see them next
week, can get a car along all the way.
Most of my outdoor work is done by car,
horses take too long, so old Robin is having
a very easy time just now.

My dear don't worry your head over
people that don't go to the war and probably
Hill is better out of the Army than in it,
he won't be such a nusiance.

What's this about a new dream, & 30
years more war, another letter must have
gone astray. Surely you are getting

pessimistic, 30 years oh!

Glad to hear Erling Ziesler has an M.C Military Cross ,
he had good stuff in him.

I am wondering what you mean by
'starting work again in earnest', surely this
is earnest enough for anyone, or are there
some people who still think it is a picnic?

Thanks for Launce 's letter, I shall
answer it some time.

I do hope you will be able to go to
Hanmer with your mother , the change will
do you such a lot of good I am sure.
I am afraid you still take life with
rather a rush, whilst I am getting more
and more philosophical, and wondering
what it is all for, sort of feeling.

Had a letter from M rs Hay the other
day, she seems very fond of Helen

Eh bien mon enfant, il n'y a pas des
autres nouvelles que je puis vous dire dans
une lettre, mais je veux bien causer un peu,
tranquillement avec toi dans un petit coin!
Mes regards a Madame votre mere , j'espere
qu'elle est toujours en bonne sante.

Au revoir ma cherie, je t'embrasse mille


Voici un gros baiser. R.