Letter from Roy Bruce to Maud Bruce

Headquarters 21 st Army Corps. E.E.F. 20.9.17.

My dearest Maud :

Have a few minutes this
afternoon which can be most profitably em-
ployed by writing to you.

This is really no news, I
am settling down here, getting horribly fat, &
living on the fat of the land.

I live in a roomy dugout
facing the sea, with a bed a table and a
couple of chairs, and very likely before long
electric light, at present I have a lamp, so
you see just now I don't require much
sympathy. (also matting on the floor)

Wonder how you would like
the red on my cap, the red tab on my
jacket and the red white red arm band,
soon I shall have an eyeglass!

But it is not all beer
and skittles whatever people may say to the contrary
about the "gilded staff", it is usually 12/14
hours per day and when things are moving
there is no rest. We need to live in a

little more comfort to keep going. The
only regret I have is that I am not with
the Mounted Corps, I should not feel so far
away from everyone then, although I must
say that everyone here is very nice.

Did you know that the N.Z. New Zealand people had
nothing to do with this appointment, it
came from General Headquarters after my
report was sent there from the Staff Course.

I must confess I don't see much chance
of this old war ending for a long time, and
I do so long for a little rest at home, even if
it was only for a month. I do not mean
I am fed up with fighting or anything like
that, either I see the war out or the war
sees me out, one of th etwo, but I do want
a little spell. I want to get home again
and have you & Helen to play with -

At present I am torn between many
conflicting emotions and 'I dunno what to
do'. There seem to be three courses open to
me English Army, Indian Army, N.Z. New Zealand Army.
I should like to talk it over with you.
E.A. English Army probably mean infanty & anywhere
on the old earth. I.A. Indian Army cavalry & a hot climate,
which I don't think I can stand much
more of. N.Z.A. New Zealand Army all comforts, but practically

no scope. Very limited. What the devil
am I to do. Anyway just at this moment
I am going to have some tea - so long.

Feel better now thank you and
not quite so wailey. Doubtless all will be well,
and the way pointed out sooner or later. If anyone
had told me 5 months ago I should be on
the Staff I should have jeered at them.

Glad Helen liked her photo, but you
made no remarks about it - didn't you like it?
There is a man in Cairo who does crayon
caricatures, I shall have one done next
time I am there and will send it to you.

What about sending me a new
one of you. The one I have is very dilapidated

The Mediterranean is beautiful
this evening a deep blue, and the sunset
is going to be superb.

Fare you well my dears, this is
a long weary wait, but you mustn't

All my love to you both.