Letter from Roy Bruce to Maud Bruce

Headquarters 21 st Army Corps. E.E.F. 18.8.1917.

My dearest Maud :

Things have changed.
Just before leaving hospital I received a
wire that I had been appointed G.S.O 3 General Staff Officer (Grade 3)
to the 21 st Army Corps. For censorial
reasons I cannot tell you much about
it, except that it is an English Infantry
Corps and is composed of some of the
best divisions out here.

It was rather a shock
to me as I expected nothing like it &
you must be neither surprised nor
disappointed if I don't stay very long,
as it is a job that takes some holding
down, and only one little mistake is
required; so my dear continue addressing
your letters just the same, I shall get
them just as quickly, when I do get
them, which nowadays is alaso so very

There is one thing while
I am here the chances of my getting

knocked out are greatly reduced, so be
comforted with that for the time being.

It is of course a good chance for me
if my health will last out, but if one
gets ill staff appointments are not kept.

It has of course knocked on the head
all chance of leave to N.Z for some
time, but then I expect the war
will be over before long and we shall
be together again.

I was of course very sorry to leave
my squadron but I did not consider it
advisable to refuse this appointment on
sentimental grounds.

At present we are living on the
beach in spacious dugouts, the weather is
hot and sticky, but I am not much
in the sun.

There are a very great many things
I want badly to discuss with you & tell
you, and never have I regretted the
censorship so much as I do just now.

Wish very much I could get
some news of you and Helen , but in
these times I always act on the supposition
that no news is good news.

I am very tired & must go to bed. God
bless you my darlings. Roy .