Letter from Roy Bruce to Maud Bruce

15. 4 5. 1917

My dearest Maud :

Have been sent
down here for a five weeks
Staff Course, which was just
what I wanted, and
which is most interesting.

The conditions
under which we work are
ideal. We live and have
lectures and things in the
hotel, situated under the

shadow of the Pyramids
& the old Sphinx. Some
quite decent grounds are
attached to the hotel, with
tennis courts and a
swimming bath which is
a great boon these hot

We work very hard,
and as my mentality had
not been heavily taxed since
the war, for the first few
days my brain was in a
more or less chaotic condition,
but order is gradually

being evolved. I am
the only colonial here - in
fact Nicholls & I are the
only two N.Z. New Zealand 's who have
done or are likely to do
this course, as I understand
this is the last one.

My leg seems sound,
but does not get much
chance of being anything
else here. I propose to
test it by playing tennis
in a week or two.

Thanks for the list of
the ' Rollesby ' prices, it is

good to own sheep these days.

Tell M rs Hamilton I
will ask Tennant about Cyril 's
Field Glasses when I go back.

I don't know about his
cigarette case, but a silver
flask was sent back by his
servant. I also sent a
lot of his kit back through
Cook's, as being safest, so if
she wonders why she had
to pay for it that is the

Good bye for the present
dear, fondest love to you
