Letter from Roy Bruce to Maud Bruce

31 st General Hospital Port Said 17.3.17.

My dearest girl:

My luck has gone
absolutely clean out - I had
just a day and a half with
the regiment, went out on
one stunt and the wretched
scar of the wound broke down
and here I am back again
in the old hospital in bed
and likely to remain there

for a few days.

I didn't find things at
the regiment so cheerful as
they might have been. My
own squadron was alright &
very glad to see me, as I was
to see them; but there is
a little undercurrent of jealousy
in other squadrons at work
at present which does not
make the regiment quite the
happy family it used to be.
Strictly "entre nous" I understand

I have been done out of a
decoration by this same little
undercurrent - not that I
value these things at all, I am
here to do my work as well
as I can and ask for no other
reward than my own conscience
can give me, but I know you
would have liked the other.

Now I have come away
again & that little undercurrent
will continue to flow, whereas
had I stayed I very soon
would have settled it.

On top of all this I have
had no letters for several
weeks, and see no particular
chance of getting any - so
do you wonder that I am
feeling somewhat peevish.

By jove that week I
spent in Cairo made the
desert very hard to go back
to, living in a family with
children about, brought
queer little lumps into one's

throat at odd times. You
see it was the first time
I had stayed with anybody
since I left nearly three
years ago. They were so
good to me too.

I did not see anything
of your people when I was
there. I never do. Don't
think we ever appealed to
each other much.

Chillie wrote to someone

in the regiment the other
day and said that Frank
was wounded. I was
sorry to hear that, I do
hope it is not serious.
He must be in France I

One thing they gave me
a very warm welcome on my
return here doctors and
everybody so I do not feel
a stranger in a strange


I am afraid your
trip will be off for a bit
old girl, I see that no
women are allowed to leave

Had a decent photograph
taken when I was in Cairo ,
have only seen the proofs,
will send you a couple
when I get them.

I do hope Helen is
getting on alright, I am

so anxious to get some

You mustn't mind this
letter being more or less of
a grouse dear, but things
are rotten just at present,
never mind probably my
next letter will be full
of buck and beans.

All my love to you
both my dears.
