Letter from Roy Bruce to Maud Bruce

31 st General Hospital Port Said 18.2.17.

My dearest girl:

Things are very
dull and I am bored stiff -
no letters or anything, except
the cake, which poor old Nicholls
has carted round England with
him and brought back to Egypt
the other day and sent it on to
me here. It must have been
an awful nuisance to him.

It was a lovely cake, and a

few of us here have it for
afternoon tea. Thank you
very much for your trouble.

I ought to have been away
from here some days ago, but
the wretched thing broke down
and I had to go back to bed
again. It is nothing really, but
they won't hear of me going
back until it is completely
healed. Never mind I am
having a most gorgeous rest.

Had a very nice letter from

M rs Harvey the other day, she
sent her regards to you - also
from Leila Cave Orme , and a
man I dined with once in
Cairo and who is now in the
King's Dragoon Guards. They had
seen my name in the
casualty list. I also had
a letter from some people I
used to know in England &
had not heard of for 15 years.
It was a flapper I used to
play with, she also saw my name in the list, and wrote
from Ireland on the chance it
might be me. She must
be nearly 40 now and is still
unmarried. It was a voice
from the past with a vengeance.
Do you remember my once
showing you a pen & ink sketch
on a Christmas card of the old
clock tower at Boulogne ? The
letter was from her e , and by
Jove it did take me back.
It was nice of her to write.

If I ever get to England I

can see that I shall have
plenty of friends.

The General came down to
see me the other day, and
was very nice. I think
I told you I got Military Crosses
from two of my children, Mathias
& Johnston . It gave me a
great deal of pleasure.

My friend the sister I
told you about is still here.
She is one of the finest women
it has ever been my privilege
to know.

I have bought a small
film camera, and am studying
the book of the words, so you
will probably be inundated with
little photographs of all kinds
of things in the future. They
will be very nice to go through

Nicholls is coming to us I
believe as Brigade Major, we
shall be very glad to have
him. He is in Cairo at
present taking a Staff course
and I expect to see him

when I go down there, for
a few days before returning
to the Regiment.

I ought to get a big
batch of letters from you some
day soon, they will be very

Wish I knew what was
going to happen this end of
the world. For the present
I think you are much better
off where you are. It is not
at all safe travelling by sea

now, and I sort of feel
that one in the family taking
risks now is quite sufficient.

Hinson writes me that his
mother says you are much
stronger now, so that is good

Good bye for the present,
old girl, keep on smiling &
don't put on too much swank
because I have a bullet through
my leg.

Kiss Helen for me. I hope
the chain arrived safely.

Much love Roy