Letter from Roy Bruce to Maud Bruce


My dearest Maud:

Thank you
for your letter of the 21 st Nov November ,
writen on the Patriotic Socy's Society's
paper. I am glad you
have got some definite work
to do there, I am sure it
will do you a lot of good
and that you will feel
much more settled.

I notice that you

said you left my 'proper'
letter at home that morning:
the one I received does not
exactly seem to be an 'improper'
one, but of course I may
not have read sufficiently
between the lines!

I remember Slade Gully ,
he was in the 1 st Squadron,
and one day an uncle of
his who is a Colonel of Artillery
or something, asked me if

I could get him a
commission. From what
I remember he is quite a
good fellow. If you are
writing to Mildred please
give her my best wishes.

Am enclosing a
little souvenir of Jerusalem .
I have also sent one to
Helen . Thought perhaps
you might like something
that came from the Holy

Can't tell you much
about the place so far, as I

was only there for a couple
of hours, and busy all the
time. Hope to go again
soon and be able to look
around a little. The view
from the Mount of Olives is

An old 'billy' addressed
to about 4 people was delivered
to me the other day, sadly
battered. Many thanks for
sending it, but I am afraid
they are not very practical
as all the sweet contents

melt and make rather a
mess. Occasionally if you
want to be extra nice, send
me an ordinary plum cake,
not iced or anything like
that, in an airtight tin.
You see, I live now in great
comfort, even to electric light
in my tent, and don't require
anything, while so many
poor fellows do - just a plain
cake very occasionally for remembrance. One of these
days I may want parcels
again, and then I will let
you know.

I am very glad to
know that Helen is doing
well with French. I do
hope her accent is good.
Is she learning music, and
does she show any aptitude
in that direction.

Wonder if you have

heard this story:
Scene : Two women outside
a gin palace.
1 st Woman . "I was lookin'
for you dear, I was wantin'
to ask yer somethin' on a
point of etikett - It's like
this dearie, the other night
I was goin' 'ome carryin'
the old man's beer in a jug,
when a young feller comes
along, drinks the ole man's
beer and does me over up
against the wall. Now what I wants to ask yer
dearie, on a point of etikett,
knowin' as how yer know all
abart it, is this - when I
meets that young feller again
does I bow?

Think that will
do for the present.

So long old girl
All my love to
you both.

Roy .