Letter from Roy Bruce to Maud Bruce

Egypt 12 Dec December 1916

My dearest girl:

Enclosed three
stamps and three snaps, with
particulars on the back.

Yesterday I lined
up all that is left of the
Main Body with the 8 th , and
everybody who had a camera
of any descriptions took the
picture. We only muster 21
out of the original 160, there
are a few others on other jobs

who are not now with the
Squadron and a couple in the
hospital. I am going to
send you some copies, and
all particulars, and I want
you to send one to the "Press"
or anywhere else you like.
These are the men who
landed in Egypt on Dec December 3 rd 1914 .
Two years in the field. Noone
can have longer records in the
present war than these men.
I am glad to say most of
them have received promotions.

There is absolutely no
news. We expect to move
on in a few days.

A mail arrived the
other day, but alas, nothing
for me.

The weather is lovely,
and the sunsets are beyond
description. The nights
are cold but perfect, last
night I sat in the moonlight

I am afraid most
prophecies regarding the

duration of the war are
very much out. We can
see no termination in sight
yet. There are several more
small nations to be dragged
in by the scruff of the neck,
I am afraid.

Well, so long, keep your
pecker up and a stiff upper
lip, it can't go on for ever.

Kiss me.