Letter from Roy Bruce to Helen Bruce

Hotel de Sand heap 17 Sept 1916

Dear little chickadee -

Mummy will give
you a little photograph I
have put in her letter, which
I hope you will like.

The horse is named
"Robin", and is a dark brown
with one white sock on his
near hind foot. We washed
him the other day to see if
we could find some more

socks, but we couldn't.
Do you know that "Robin"
has a bullet hole right
through one ear. He was
very frightened but it didn't
hurt him much, and you
can see by his photograph
that his ears are quite cocky.

Now I am going to ask
you to do something for me.
I want you to be a very
good girl, and be very nice
and sweet to mummy ,
because she has a lot of

things to worry her just
now, and you must cheer
her up as much as you can.
I should like to come and
help you, but as I can't
come back yet, you must
do it all by yourself. You
will, won't you?

Instead of putting that
photograph in mummy 's
letter, I am going to put
it in this and give you
a letter all to yourself.

Here is a true story:-

one of my men has been
carrying round a billy lid
for a long time, so one day
I asked him what it was for
and he said: "Well sir, some
day I may find a billy to
fit the lid". Wasn't he funny?

Good bye for the present
little one, it might not be
so long now before I am back

Give Carrie & Jeremy a
hug for me.
Love from