Letter from Roy Bruce to Maud Bruce

Sinai Desert 29.8.1916

My dearest girl :

Well I have got my
old Squadron back and am now
in command of the 8th again, but
unfortunately at the price of poor old
Hammond's life. Blakeney was killed
too as well as Menzies , who forwarded
Col. Findlay's photo to his people to be
forwarded to you. Dear old Blakeney
I miss him terribly, we were great
friends. I am writing to Mrs
and am sending her a
sketch I made of his grave. He was
buried where he fell. Truly it is
time this war ended, the toll is too
heavy. All the youngest & best seem
to go, and some of us who are more
or less worn out remain.

I am in fairly good health, but
nothing wonderful, I am hoping
that as the weather gets cooler to get
better also.

All fighting is finished for the
present and I believe we are shortly
leaving the front for a rest on the

banks of the canal.

I am very glad the Brigade have
shown themselves as good at cavalry
work as they did at infantry work
in the trenches at Gallipoli .

Jack Tennant has got his com-
mission (well earned) as and is, I am glad
to say, with me.

Have had no letters of any kind
for weeks now and am looking forward
eagerly to some news.

We are camped in a date plantation
at present, but the dates are not quite
ripe yet.

Can give you no more news
although there are lots of things I
should like to write about.

Hope you are all well, have
had no news of Chillie except indirectly
in July.

Take care of yourselves, my
children, I will try and be more
cheerful next time.
Your husband
Roy .