Letter from Roy Bruce to Maud Bruce

Port Said 10.8. 1916

My dearest Maud :

We have had some
fairly exciting times the last few days as
no doubt you will have heard about
long since and probably forgotten by the
time this reaches you.

The Turks cames down
on Katia and Romani in force and
after a two day battle we drove them
well back but infortunately could not
follow up very far owing to the exhaustion
of men and horses. It was great
getting fighting out in the open with
the horses instead of the dismal trenches.

We had a fairly strenuous
time without much food or water for man
or beast and also several casualties.

Lieut Freeth one of my
officers was hit rather badly in the neck, and
I was rather upset over it as it was partly
my fault. He and his troop were on
the right, I walked over to talk to him &
like the usual owl I am remained
standing, of course he remained standing
too and almost immediately was hit. If I

had laid layed myself down he would
have done the same and would have
escaped. I thought he was done for but
I hear now he is alright only had a very
narrow squeak. I am thankful.

I had one of my horses killed and my
newest one has a bullet hole in his ear,
but he doesn't mind it.

All this happened last Friday & Saturday
& we started out to follow them up on
Sunday. On Sunday afternoon I got
knocked over with the heat, and am now
gracefully reclining in a long wicker chair
at 31st General Hospital Port Said , quite
alright and going back in a day or two.
There has been no fighting since I left so
I have missed nothing.

There is a N.Z. New Zealand nurse here from
Nelson a Miss McRae but I have not
seen her yet. Miss Trask was here at one

No other news. So long old girl, will
write again in a day or so. Must go &
eat some more now.

Love to you both.
Roy .