Letter from Roy Bruce to Maud Bruce

Bir et maler 4 June 1916 .

My dearest Maud :

A line to add
a little more news to my
letter of the day before yesterday.
Don't laugh - I am a full
blown Major! It is some
what rapid promotion, but
the powers that be seem to
think it is alright. Anyway
it is well worth having, ande
promotion in the field during
war time is the best of all
promotions. I have been

given command of the 10 th
(Nelson) Squadron of the C.M.R. Canterbury Mounted Rifles

I am very sorry to leave
the 8 th but if a vacancy occurs
Col. Findlay has promised me
I can go back if I want to.

I take over command to-
morrow morning, and we go
out on a two days reconnaissance
in the afternoon, but do not
anticipate any fighting.

You can address your

10 th (Nelson) Squadron Canterbury Mounted Rifles Regt Regiment

if you like, but Canterbury M nd
is really quite sufficient.

I do hope I shall not
make a fool of myself with

all this or let the regiment
down or something equally
awful. I wish I felt a
little older.

Must go now dear, there
is lots to do.

Ever so much love to
you & Helen .

Your affectionate husband