Letter from Roy Bruce to Helen Bruce

Anzac 5 Dec 1915

My darling child :

I am sending
you a little Christmas
card, which I hope you
will like. It is a
little late, but I only
had it made a few
days ago. Mummy
will tell you how it
was made.

I had all sorts of
good reports about you &
it makes me very happy
to know that I have such
an industrious little

daughter who is getting
on so well with her

What do you think
I saw in the trenches last
night! A little frog!
I was going along and I
saw something black hop
so I flashed my light &
there was a dear little
frog, and his eyes did
sparkle so. I picked
him up, and he was
so cold, and I put him
where he would nto get
trodden on.

One of the men
found a tortoise the other
day, such a big one, about

half the size of old Jeremy.
He is living now in a
dugout, and always tries
to get hear the fire

I have not had a
letter from you for a
long time, but I am
expecting one any time

We had a lot of
snow here the other day
& it was very cold, but
now it is warmer but
very muddy.

I hope you had a
happy Christmas & that I
shall be back to spend

the next one with you.

Be a good little girl
always & look after

With lots of love
& humbugs from
your affectionate father

Remember me to Come.