Letter from Roy Bruce to Helen Bruce

Cyprus 4 th August. '15

My dearest little girl :

Thank you very
much indeed for your
letter, I am awfully
proud that you can
write so well.

Mummy tells
me, you are going to school
now, and that you like
it very much. I am
very pleased to hear it,
and hope you will be
a good little girl.

I suppose you are
really a great big girl
now, and that when

I come home again you
will be far too big to
carry about, but still
I think you will have
a lot of new games to
teach me.

In your next letter
you must tell me what
sort of lessons you are
doing, and which you
like the best.

I am living at
present high up in the
air in a pine forest, &
there are a lot of
crows about, they make
such a funny noise.

Tell Mummy to give
you for your very own one

of those photographs I
had taken at Alexandria .

How is Pat? You know
you didn't tell me half
enough about him in
your letter:

Is Lily well, also Lily's
sister and all your other
children, not forgetting
fat Jeremy.

I don't know whether
you spell Lily with one
L or two, tell me next
time will you.

These naughty Turks
are giving us a lot of
trouble, but perhaps it
will not be so very long
now before I am home


Tell me when you
write, what sort of
games you play at
school, and who all
your friends are?

I must go now little
one, lunch is ready & I
am very hungry.

Give Mummy a big
fat humbug for me &
she will give you one
from me.

Take care of each other.

Daddy .