Letter from Roy Bruce to Maud Bruce

In a new dugout overlooking the sea. Monday 31st May 1915 .

My dearest girl :

Had a letter from
Nan the other day just after you had left, also a Weekly Press. I
was awfully glad to hear from
her and to know that you & Helen
were both so bright & well. She
seemed awfully pleased to have
had you there.

We moved the other day
& wow I am living on the top
of a cliff overlooking the sea & an
island. It is a lovely position,
my little dugout, is most picturesque,

surrounded by scrub with a
sort of leafy arch in front to keep
the oil-sheet up. We have had
no more rain luckily, but the sun
is getting very hot & in the middle
of the day it is very trying.

Was out at No 2 post the
other day again & got some more
shelling, only this time not from
our own ships but the enemy.
We were not very lucky, had
two men wounded, Corpl. Wright ,
my best signaller, with shrapnel
in the arm & Finlay Findlay slightly in
the head . I also had another man
wounded whilst bathing on the
beach, Dunford by name, he was
quite close to me & in the act
of putting on his shirt when he
was struck by some shrapnel.

Spent the last 24 hours digging
a communication trench out to
No 2 post & being sniped at.
There was a little scrap the
other night and several of the
8th were killed & wounded but
no more of mine.

My sleeping bag is of
great use and I shall hang
on to it as long as possible, but
gradually many of my other
things are disappearing. You
see when one has to carry every-
thing one discards all but what
is absolutely necessary.

If you send me another
shirt please send one with
collar attached like the last,
they are so much more sensible,

I have lost all my studs, &
no chance of getting any more.

We get plenty to eat here,
many army biscuits, billy beef,
fresh meat & vegetables sometimes,
jam, cheese, tea, sugar. Plain but
wholesome & Wilson evokes
wondrous stews. We also make
porridge, by pounding up the
biscuits, cooking them & eating
with sugar ; we also make
puddings, same thing as above
eaten with jam at the end of
a meal instead of at the
beginning. There is also rum &
tobacco issued but not enough
of the latter. I have probably
told you all this before, but in
these stirring times it is very
difficult to remember what one

has put in previous letters.

I found little Sparrow
last night, he had just arrived
with some transport. He has
promised to supplement my
larder while we are in trucks,
not that I don't get enough,
but one or two little extras
occasionally are not to be
despised .

We get very little war
news here, even in our own lives

the most fantastic rumours
get about as to what is
happening. I suppose it is
the same in N. Z. New Zealand and you
will be hearing all kinds of
weird rumours about us, all I
can say is believe nothing unless
it is certified official

If you find there is any-
thing in connection with this
war that you want to do &
the house is an encumbrance,
sell up the whole show, if you
can't let it - I should think
letting would be better, if possible,
because we might want to go
back to it some day.

Pinkie is well and has I

believe shot two Turks.

The worst pest here at the
present time are owls, they are
so inquisitive & crawl into
everything. There are some lovely
birds with gorgeous plumage, but
I do not know their names.
There is a poppy field close here
which is lovely, contrasted with
the blue of the sky & sea & the green
of the scrub.

I don't think much of
this foot work & living in
trenches, although some of the
men have no desire to get
back to their houses, but they
are not many.

What a contrast this is with

S. Africa , everything different, &
so much more vicious - There
we did get some relaxation
occasionally, here there is none.

Breakfast is ready & I
must eat & then have a swim,
as I do not think I have
anything to do before night.
Give Helen my love & some
kisses , keep yoursleves both bright
& happy & don't worry about
anything , it will all come
alright & perhaps the whole
show will be over in a week
or so. Kiss me my sweetheart,
I do want you so much you
are all I have. Roy .