Letter from Roy Bruce to Maud Bruce

S.S. Grantully Castle Alexandria Sunday 9 May 1915

My dearest girl :

We arrived
here at 5 o'clock this
morning and are now
all safely stowed away
on board for our short

There is our brigade
& a regiment of Australians
on board, and we are

very crowded.

We should arrive about
Tuesday night and will
probably go straight into
the trenches as I believe
reliefs are badly wanted.

The weather is still
perfect & the men are in
the highest spirits, I only
hope we shall do half
as well as the infantry
have done.

I am looking forward
to seeing the Queen

Elizabeth shelling, those
who have come back
say the noise & the effect
of the shells is rather
awe inspiring.

I am wondering how
New Zealand is taking
the heavy casualty list,
it should prove a great
fillip to recruiting.

Well old girl I have
no idea when you will
get another letter from
me, I did not expect
to be able to write

this one.

Be happy, dear one &
don't worry. Take every
care of yourself & Helen .

So long for the present
you darlings, God bless
you both & keep you from
every harm. Your loving husband
Roy .

We sail in an hour.