Letter from Roy Bruce to Maud Bruce

Zeitoun Camp 08. 5. 1915

My darling girl :

We are really off at last
& leave tonight at 8.45. Unfortunately
for the present we are to leave our horses
behind. It is a great disappointment,
but under the circumstances it cannot
be helped, and we will probably get
them again later on. I had no idea I
was so attached to them until I heard
they were to be left behind.

I don't know what sort of letters
you will get from me in the future or
when they will arrive as a very strict
censorship exists.

We are very busy as our notice
to leave was very short and this can only
be a note.

I hope you will soon hear
that we are somewhere in the vicinity
of Constantinople .

You ought to see my tent now,

the accumulation of 5 months rubbish is
strewn all over the place, and it has
all got to be disposed of this morning.

You are not to worry if you don't
get letters, because in this sort of game,
no news is always good news.

I got three letters from you the other
day and they were very welcome. I think
your idea of wanting to take an active part
in what is going on an excellent one, and
I can quite understand your restless feelings.

You know what I feel about leaving
Egypt , and I think you would like to
live here afterwards, in any case later on
I intent to try for the Egyptian army.

Poor old Sloan is heart broken at
having to walk, 12 years in the 16 th Lancers
& then to be an infantryman!

Everyone is well and fit with the
exception of Gordon & Nancarrow who are
both in the hospital & must be left

I wish I had a lot of time to
write you a long letter, but there is so
much to do it is impossible. I had
hoped to do it last night, but I had

to take a picquet round Zeitoun so
I spent my last evening in Cairo on

I don't think I have much else
to tell you dear, except to be happy
& keep Helen happy, you may have
to go through some bad moments, but
keep bright, look always to the future
when we will be together again, it
may not be so very long.

Must go now. God bless you
both my darlings. You have all the
love I can give you.
Kiss me.
Roy .