Letter from Roy Bruce to Maud Bruce


My dearest Maud :

Here is the usual
few lines to be
read by the censor and
forwarded on.

We are approaching
another port on our route,
but we are not going

very fast.

I have written a
longer letter which you
will possibly receive
later on.

At our last port
I had hoped to have had
an opportunity to have
sent Helen a little present
for her birthday. Tell
her I was very sorry not
to have been able to do so,
but when you get my
other letter you will
understand why.

I hope this will

reach you in time for
Xmas and that you
both will enjoy yourselves
& pull crackers for me &
generally have a good
time. Also I hope
the New Year will open
brightly & happily for
you both.

Give Helen a big
hug for me for her
birthday, Xmas & the
New Year.

To day, the sea is
like a sheet of glass
and it is very hot.

I don't expect a letter
from you till we reach
our destination. I do
look forward to them
then though.

Are you both quite
well, I believe you are,
and I know you will
look after yourselves.

I am remarkably fit,
and enjoying my recupation recuperation immensely.

Goodbye, dearest of
girls. All my love to
you, Your affectionate