Letter from Roy Bruce to Maud Bruce

In the middle of the sea Nov. 14th 1914

My dearest little girl :

Since last I
wrote you, we have
been going on & on over
the sea, and the weather
has been getting warmer
& warmer, until at last

it got so hot, I had
to carry my bed right
to the top of the ship
to sleep there under the
stars. Then one night
a great big storm came
on and great drops of
rain as large as Jeremy's
eyes came down, and
I had to pick up my
bed & scuttle away bed
& all back to my cabin,
but I got very wet.

Do you know what

I saw the other day?
Such a lot of flying
fish - they were skimming
about over the waves
like little birds. They
were so pretty, like little
streaks in the
sunlight and a blue

My great big horse
is looking very well.
When the trumpeter blows
the call for "feed", he
neighs as loudly as he can.
It shows that he understands

and is hungry.

I expect you are learning
a little geography now.
Mummy can show you
on the map where we
are going to. Can you
spell any words yet?

Good bye for the
present Helen , be a good
little girl & take great
care of mummy .

Mummy will give you
a big fat hug & kiss.
With lots of love from,
Daddy .