Letter from Roy Bruce to Maud Bruce

My dearest Maud :
Nov. 14th 1914

Have just
heard that all New
letters are to
be censored. I had
already written one,
which I will send,
as it may go delayed.
You will get it some
time. In any case
you will probably get
this fairly soon.

I do not know to

what extent the censor
is going to work, consequently
I will not put any news
in this that might
delay the transmission
of the letter.

Everything is going
on very well and we
shall probably follow
the course mapped out
in my last letter from
Australia .

I came across a man
sitting in a tub of water
the other day, reading.
Only his head and hands

were visible. He looked
nice & cool.

I do hope everything
is going well with you,
& that both you and
Helen are in the best
of health and spirits.

You had better tell
please any people who
may be expecting letters
that it is not much
use my writing as I
cannot give any details
owing to the censor. They
can get anything they
want from you, that is

when you get letters.

If I were you I think
I would do a lot of weeding
in the house. There is
an awful accumulation
of rubbish which could
very well be burned or
given away.

I am getting very fit,
& enjoying myself immensely.
Good bye for the
present dear one, take
every care of yourself &

Your affec. husband,
Roy Bruce
I enclose a note for Helen.