Letter from Roy Bruce to Helen Bruce

In the middle of the sea Tuesday. 27: October 1914

My dearest little girl :

How are you
getting on, and how
is Lily ?

I hope you are
being a very good little
girl, and that you are

a great help to mummy .
Because you know
mummy wants a lot
of looking after just
now, and you are the
only one who can look
after her.

How is fat Jeremy ?
I suppose he is just
as fat as ever, and
spends most of his
time asleep in the

Have you started
paddling yet? It should
be nearly warm enough
by now.

I saw a great
whale the other day, it
was quite close to the
ship, and it blew such
a lot of water into the
air, and then ran
away as fast as it could.

Soon we shall be
seeing flying fish, &

if I can catch one I
will tie a letter to it's its
tail & send it flying
to you.

Good bye just now,
little girl, it may not
be very long before we are
able to have such fun

Here is a fat kiss x.
for you and a purr for Jeremy .
With lots of love &
hugs from
Daddy .