Letter from Roy Bruce to Maud Bruce

Near Hobart Tuesday, 20th Oct .

My darling Maud :

With this I am
sending a sort of disjointed
narrative of our voyage up
to the present, whether you
will be able to make anything
of it or not I don't know, as
I am afraid narrative writing
is not my strong point. It
is like my singing. I don't
seem able to keep in tune.

So far we are all a
happy family, but when
the long run begins it remains
to be seen how soon we shall
get tired of each other.

There are some awfully

decent men on board, and
some who are not quite so,
at least so I surmise on a
short acquaintance with most
of them.

We are kept very much
occupied and have little
time to think of other things
beside our work, which is just
as well as I get very homesick
at times and just long for you
& Helen and the good times we
have had together.

Never mind they will
come again and we will
appreciate them more than ever.

I do hope dear that you
are both well & happy and are
enjoying life generally.

I am getting very fit,
and feeling stronger every day.

We are going to try & run
a sort of newspaper on board
& if possible I will send you

a copy.

I think I have never
been so contented with my
work in my life before. I do
hope that an opportunity will
be given me to continue with
it always. The more one
goes on the more one sees
there is to learn & study.
It is so interesting.

We are living in great
luxury here, but the continuous
running around keeps us in
pretty good condition.

I am growing a moustache,
don't laugh, it is really quite
respectable. Some day I will
get a photograph & send it
to you. I wonder if Mettie or
Mrs Guinness told you about it.
So far it is not very long.

I saw Lulu just before we

left, to speak to for a minute.
She is just the same, but seems
happy in her work.

Dear old girl do take care
of yourself & be happy, don't
forget that if I have to look
after myself you have to do
so also, quite as much if not

I don't know whether the
old censor will let me write
many more letters, but you
may be sure I shall write
as often as I am allowed to.

Good bye for the present,
I want very much to hold
you in my arms again, dear,
but I know it will all come
in good time. I love you, I
love you, my darling.
Roy .
For you x
For Helen x