Letter from Roy Bruce to Maud Bruce

Trentham Sunday

My dearest Maud :

Had a nice long letter
from you today, it really does seem
as if the whole of your dream might
come true. I think it is quite
possible that the Germans might make
a raid on Egypt in the way you
suggest, but it would be a very
risky undertaking. We may of
course go after all to Africa , at
present we are bound for England ,
but the course could be changed at
any moment.

No definite orders yet, but
we go to Wellington on Tuesday, stay
outside in a paddock for the night,
embark horses on Wednesday &

probably float away on Thursday,
quite quietly without any splutter.

Don't worry about my hand
it is quite alright, I don't know how
I did it, there has been a lot of
it going about the camp. My
influenza has also departed, this
time I think for good, as I feel
ever so much better than I did.

I don't know when you will
get your first payment from the
Government, they seem to be in
rather a tangle with these allotments,
they started without any system
and now of course they are in
trouble. It will date from 23rd
September, but hang on to what
you have as they may take some
time to straighten things out.

I am going to try & run down
to the Lower Hutt tomorrow & see
the Hursthouse's Hursthouses , it will in all
probability be my last opportunity.
It could be rather curious if they
came down to see me off, as
they also saw me off to S. Africa .

Arthur Rhodes & Black are
both down with influenza, in fact
the whole camp reeks of it.

What a pity you mistook the
flap in the driving competition,
old chuckle.

I think I must have got
all your letters from your list by
this time, but what order they
came in I could not tell you.

The "Waiwera" may not get
into port before we sail, but I

hope she does, I should like to
see Harvey before I go.

I am sitting up in bed
writing this & my back is
getting cold so I think I will
lie down - anyway the ink is
running out of Barker 's pen.

Will try and get another line
to you before we sail.

Goodnight dear , God bless
you both & look after you. Kiss me
x often & often.


Hope you draw a prize in "Tats". If it
is a big one you had better begin preparing
to come to England . Good night sweetheart . Roy