Letter from Roy Bruce to Maud Bruce

Timaru . 5 December 1913

My dearest Maud:

I'm afraid you
won't get much of a letter this
time. I wasn't feeling up to the
mark yesterday, & had to go to the
drillshed in the evening, however
I am all right to day today

Have just seen the
nurse away, she really seemed quite
sorry to go.

Will send all your
things up in a day or two & also
Bowie's order.

Emily tells me Ada
is coming here on Monday for a
holiday by herself, I suggested
she might like to go & stay with
you for a few days, Emily said
she thought she would, so if
you want her you had better
write to her here at Mrs. Miles .
It seemed to me rather a good


The weather is just showing
signs of clearing, I hope for
good, it has been awful.

The tournament is coming
off on the 16th ish here and we
hope to get away to Auckland

Webb came back this
morning, more or less disgusted
at being kept so long. I am
afraid the Property Corps are going
to win on technical points, but
morally they stink.

Goodbye for the present
dear, I am so glad to hear
you are both getting on so well.
Look after each other, I will
try & write a better letter next

Kiss me dear, we always have
each other.
Roy .