Letter from Roy Bruce to Maud Bruce


My dearest Maud:

Received your
wire last night and was
very disappointed at the
result. I fully expected
after hearing you were
one to the good in the
singles that you would
all more than hold your
own in the foursomes.

I was very glad

that your own results were
so good, it is always a
relief to realise that one's
own score has not in any
way contributed to the
defeat. I expect the
weather had a great deal
to do with it.

Do not be surprised if
you get a wire suddenly
to come back. George
rang up yesterday and
said that Mrs Hayter might

have to go to Nelson as Jean
was not very well. He
is going to let me know
definitely as soon as possible,
and I will of course wire
you at once. I told him
that Mrs Hayter could go
when she liked as Carrie
could look after Helen for
one night, and you would
always be able to get back
the next day.

There is no news here - it

rained yesterday. I was
down at the drillshed last
night, and will be out
all day tomorrow with the

To night Tonight I am having
dinner with the Lusk's Lusks .

Hope you are taking care
of yourself and having a
good time - Goodbye dear,
be happy and don't worry.

Here is a kiss . for you Roy .